Witch Craft Works Wiki
Witch Craft Works Wiki

Takamiya-kun and the Mean Little Sister (多華宮君といじわるな妹 Takamiya-kun to Ijiwaru na Imouto) is the seventh chapter of Witch Craft Works manga. This is roughly equivalent to Episode 4 in the anime.

Being teased by his little sister , Honoka Takamiya met Tanpopo Kuraishi and Rin Kazari on his way school, while Ayaka Kagari is being convinced by the rest three. There Kasumi appears with her familiar, destroyed the Soldier of Rabbits and Rin's familiar, and the battlefield, and Kazane Kagari's supposed-peaceful day.

Full Summary[]


Powers and Abilities Used[]


Major Events[]

  • Honoka found out that Kasumi is a Workshop Witch.
  • Ayaka decided to protect Honoka 24/7.